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OPEN MORNINGWe're looking forward to welcoming prospective families to view our school on Friday 20th September at 9:30amTo find out more and to book on to our tours, please contact the school office:Tel: 01279 793152Email: admin.org.uk pic.twitter.com/3GeoZOHdFc

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Year 4 we’re transported back to the Victorian era as part of their History topic. pic.twitter.com/G6xFiw9wAo

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Owl class have been composing using virtual technology 🎼🎶🎵🎹 pic.twitter.com/5tXOGm5uT3

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Badger class have been using thermometers to predict temperature pic.twitter.com/xSdEJBV4xX

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In this weeks art lesson,the children in Squirrel class had to create a Mondrian inspired piece of art using coloured pasta 😀 pic.twitter.com/7sxjDSRH0k

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Pheasant class have been learning about time ⏰ pic.twitter.com/u942mCRIxh

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Rabbit class have had fun in their garden this week! What did Paddington Bear do at the weekend? pic.twitter.com/n4Cvda63al

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Cookery club made some fantastic cheese cakes this week 😋 pic.twitter.com/SqJcCzbztw

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Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their immersive Tudor work shop ⭐️⭐️ pic.twitter.com/9uUiZNp7YY

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Some beautiful artwork to update the ‘Rabbit Gallery’ linking with our mini beast theme 🐛🦋 . pic.twitter.com/DVZRjbKJqt

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Squirrel class have been planting sunflowers 🌻 today. Which one will grow the tallest? pic.twitter.com/RLEI5UALjB

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Rabbit class welcomed Bramble and Apple (our school stick insects) to school today. They searched for bugs in the playground. pic.twitter.com/bWZANwGhgd

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Our new Reading shed is fully stocked and ready for the summer term! pic.twitter.com/PaOH00LIEo

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What a fantastic time Squirrel class had at Parndon woods! pic.twitter.com/DEhPBHxHRH

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This week in art, the children made a plate slider space picture. First, they had to use watercolours to paint their plate, they look awesome 🚀🎨 pic.twitter.com/FA8MVGgEK8

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Rabbit class enjoying the spring sunshine ☀️ pic.twitter.com/NlTT0VA29I

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Pheasant class have created their prototypes! We can’t wait to see the finished product! Let’s go fly a 🪁 pic.twitter.com/1oGaal6bEW

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Pheasant class have made their own rocks this week! pic.twitter.com/VkNDSO6vCm

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Owl class have created lighthouses in the style of architect, Zaha Hadid. Well done! 🤩 pic.twitter.com/DuH4OQdtSq

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Here are a selection of poems the Dragonfly class have written on seeded paper. In July, the poems will be scattered from the air along The Somme in remembrance of those who fought in WW1. pic.twitter.com/ZCAXBOBt93

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Outstanding Education

Supporting primary and secondary schools across Essex and North & East London, BMAT is a growing multi-academy trust with a singular vision: schools, teachers and pupils freed to succeed.

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Welcome to our school

Welcome, and thank you for taking the time to find out about our school. We pride ourselves on being a friendly and open school that offers a high-quality education for all our children.

Roydon Primary Academy is a special place. It is a warm school at the heart of the village community - full of wonderful people. Roydon Primary Academy is a special place. It is a warm school at the heart of the village community - full of wonderful people. The core values of Empathy, Achievement, Resilience, Teamwork and Healthy Living are at the heart of everything we do. Our main priority is to ensure that remarkable change happens for all of our children through being taught good and outstanding lessons all of the time. We are an ambitious school and will not let barriers get in our way.

At Roydon Primary Academy our vision is to empower all children to fulfil their true potential through excellent education provision that inspires academic success and nurtures whole-child personal development. Within a safe, happy and stimulating environment, children are inspired and their individual achievements and effort celebrated.

In school, we use E.A.R.T.H to express our core values and outline the culture we expect all our school community to demonstrate. Everything we do will be in the spirit of Roydon Earth.

Empathy: We are compassionate, inclusive and fair.

Achievement: We have high ambitions and expectations for what is possible.

Resilience: We value positive thinking and attitude, effort and perseverance.

Teamwork: Listening, sharing and respectfully working together makes us stronger. We make positive contributions.

Healthy Living: We are happy, healthy and safe. We care for our bodies, hearts and minds.

At Roydon Primary Academy the children develop essential skills in literacy, numeracy and ICT and are able to work independently and through participation with others. Our values support and reflect our ‘school family’ and ensure high aspirations for all learners, through both a challenging and supportive approach. There is an emphasis on using the rich range of resources available to us in the local area and beyond, as we believe that this helps to develop lively and enquiring minds and teaches children important life skills.

Roydon Primary School has a long history dating back to 1876 and is located in the village of Roydon on the Hertfordshire/Essex border. The school caters for children aged 4 to 11 and became a BMAT academy in December 2013. In February 2019, Roydon Primary Academy was visited by Ofsted who confirmed our judgement that it is a good school in all areas.

Today our school consists of the original Victorian School House, a 1970s addition, a new building housing two classrooms and a multipurpose hall. We are fortunate to have fabulous outside facilities including extensive playing fields, a forest class room, an amphitheatre, football cage, a wild area as well as our own pond, and each class has their own mini allotment which gives us plenty of learning opportunities outside of the classroom.

On joining the school children quickly become an integral part of the community. As a small school there is a caring, family atmosphere where all children are taught the importance of consideration and respect for other people and their beliefs. Parents and carers have a vital role in the education of their children and we actively encourage close co-operation between home and school. We value and build on the experience and knowledge which pupils bring from their home lives and we hope that you will join with us in making your child’s time at Roydon Primary Academy both happy and successful.

Every pupil and member of staff are part of a house team that they stay with for their whole time at our school. This means pupils can make friends with children from other classes of different ages and can compete for their house in a wide range of events.

Our reward system for pupils helps them to learn and to be successful members of the school community. Pupils can earn points for their house with the achievements and dojo points for their learning attitude. Value certificates are handed out weekly for Empathy, Achievement, Resilience, Teamwork and Healthy living.

Class councils are held every week to discuss issues and make decisions on changes that we can make to make the school even better. The Junior Leadership Team (JLT) representatives meet regularly with the Head of School ensuring that the pupil voice is heard.

We aim to work closely with families, and believe that you should be kept well informed about how your child is getting on. In addition to termly parents’ evenings, you are always welcome to make an appointment to visit our classrooms and talk to staff. We will keep you informed of school news and events through the school newsletter, website and/or Class Dojo. We also hold several events throughout the academic year where we invite parents into the school. These include mothers and father’s day events, sports day, reading mornings, sharing assemblies, performances, open mornings and more!




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